Teleflora’s Art Glass Treasure Bouquet, $94.99
This bouquet is gorgeous! When it arrived, it was so very aromatic, and had fresh flowers. It was very well put together! The vase is beautiful and can be used over and over again, for many things. Teleflora never ceases to surprise with their awesome selection and great service. I love that they work with local florists, because it keeps the service in the community. Another thing that I really like is that I can choose the day that I want the flowers delivered. Now, due to the freshness of the flowers, I will tell you to be mindful of allergies. Some of the beautiful flowers were so fresh, they hadn’t fully bloomed yet! These flowers were hand delivered and included a lovely note. I do recommend Teleflora for Mother’s Day!
Any mother, grandmother, etc., would love to receive a bouquet from Teleflora. They have many to choose from, to fit any budget!
- This bouquet features lavender roses, pink asiatic lilies, light pink alstroemeria, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender limonium, dusty miller, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf.
- Delivered in Teleflora’s Art Glass Treasure vase.
Your Moon Phase Duo Luna Necklace, $69 and up
When I received this necklace, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I was blown away! It is so beautiful and I’ve never seen anything like it. I love that I have something for both of my boys on one necklace. I chose to have engraving on the back, and had them put each of my sons’ first name and date of birth. I was able to choose which moon phase order I wanted, and opted to have my oldest son’s on the top and youngest on the bottom. You can choose your own order 🙂 I’ve worn this several times now, and gotten comments on how unique it is. Most moms choose a mother’s ring, but I chose Your Moon Phase!
This statement piece shows the world your moon, in style. The pendant is made from heavy solid stainless and hand polished to a mirror finish. An accompanying solid stainless 18″ necklace is the perfect weight for the pendant. Your special date will forever mark the date as aligned with the moon above. This unique necklace is a real conversation starter with your exclusive, highly detailed moon that glows by the moonlight and shines in the light of day. Simply let us know the date of your memory – the day your lover or child was born, the day you made a life-changing milestone, or any other magical moment. We will create your moon memory and you’ll have it in your hands in no time.
Hypoallergenic and lead-free. Proudly assembled in the USA.
Game of Thrones Dragon Egg Candle Set From Computer Gear, $27.99
I have a confession. I’ve never watched Game of Thrones. Ever. Not a single episode. However, I really liked these dragon candles! They are super adorable! For me, it wasn’t the fact that it was a GOT item, but rather it was something cool and different. You can’t just go into some big box store and buy these off the shelf. These are quite different from the ordinary stuff, and I like that.
Let these fun GOT Game of Thrones Dragon Eggs Candle Set add to your season premier perfect party table decorations. Each sculpted dragon egg candle approx. 3 1/2″ tall; burn time 18 hours. Each Game of Thrones candle represents Daenerys’ dragon egg of Rhaegal, the green one, named for her brother Rhaegar (Jon’s father), Drogon, the black one, named for her late husband Drogo and Viserion, the gold one, named for her brother Viserys. Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons is the mother of the dragons.
Decocrated Home Decor Subscription Box, $79.99 quarterly
This was so much fun to get! I loved everything in the box, and had a lot of fun decorating with it. There were things in this box that I would never have gotten for myself, because I would have been too unsure. I’m so glad they sent them, though, because they were so neat. Now, I will say, I ended up using the rectangle shaped pillow case as a place mat under a tray..haha. I just like the way it looked, so I went with it. That’s the point of decorating, right? The items in this box were all great quality and I definitely think that any mom out there would love this!
Every season, we send you a limited edition box that contains timeless, high-quality décor. Subscribe quarterly or annual, and cancel anytime hassle-free. We ship your box every 3 months, right on time for a seasonal home refresh. In the meantime, enjoy your free gift (sent immediately upon sign up) and browse our blog for inspiration, how-tos and pro tips.
Gourmet Gift Baskets Champagne Gift Basket, $64.99
This is the absolutely best gift basket! I mean, what mom wouldn’t want a bottle of champagne? This is perfect for the mom who has everything. It comes with a cute tray, and some snacks, as well as a bottle of champagne. Admittedly, when this arrived, we dug into the cheese and crackers right away..haha. The cheese was really good! It was soft and delicious, and tasted fresh. The tray, well, that’s another story. I thought it would be super cute to put on the kitchen table, and put my salt and pepper grinders in it. Nope. I put it on the table and my cat took it over. Oy! So, yes, it’s a perfect size for a cat to sleep in..haha!
Sophisticated and elegant, this stunning arrangement is sure to impress, as it boasts a balanced collection of sweet & savory to go with the bottle of champagne. In a beautiful handled wooden tray, we’ve arranged the selection of foods creating this striking gift.
Mask Moments Calming Mask, $35 for 8 masks
I used this mask last week. When I took it out of the package, the first thing I noted was that the mask itself was protected between two layers. It was very easy to get those layers off, and put the mask on. It has a pleasant scent to it, and was very relaxing and calming. I laid with it on my face for about 30 minutes. It wasn’t overly saturated, so it didn’t drip everywhere. This would definitely be a great gift!
Bid farewell to stress with a little something to soothe…and a side of silence. Includes 8 calming masks for daily use.
Mommy’s Sippy Cup Wine Tumbler, $16.89
Oh what fun! This is a super cute insulated wine tumbler. Want to know a secret? You don’t have to use it just for wine! Ok, fine, it probably wasn’t a secret, but still..haha. This is very nice to have, and I have been getting a lot of use out of it! It is quality made, and works just as an insulated tumbler should. I am able to keep my cold drinks nice and cold with this, and keep from spilling with the lid. It does come with a silicone straw, which is nice! If you love your mom, get her this cup!
You need this in your life! Seriously! I love to make iced coffee at home, because, well, I’m too cheap to buy it at coffee shops. I also like to make blended coffee drinks, and those usually call for concentrated coffee. With Grady’s Cold Brew Kit, you get super duper concentrated coffee! I love how easy it is to make, and the fact that it has a pour spout on the bag. Genius! It smells amazing, and tastes even more amazing. If you don’t want to use the concentrate, you simply add water or milk to it, to make it regular strength. I personally was drinking “shots” of the concentrate, with a splash of creamer. So good! If you have a mama who likes her coffee, get her this kit. She will be eternally grateful!
Brewing your own Grady’s Cold Brew just got that much easier! With the help of our ultramodern “Pour and Store” Pouch, you’ll be brewing in no time. Just add water! The Bean Bags—literally, bags of ground coffee beans, chicory, and spices—soak overnight in water. In the morning, remove bags from pouch and discard or compost. Finally, rip off those pesky tamper proof seals and dispense straight from the fridge for up to two weeks. One part Grady’s + one part milk (or water for black coffee) = total perfection. Feeling adventurous? Try mixing Grady’s with vodka for a cocktail, sparkling water for a coffee soda or over ice cream for true decadence. Made in: New York City Ingredients: Coffee, Chicory, Spices Details: Pour and Store Pouch contains (12) 2oz Bean Bags. Each bag brews 3 servings of concentrate. Brewed concentrate must be refrigerated. Stays fresh for up to 2 weeks.
Forto Coffee Shots, $11.95 (case of 6)
These little Forto coffee shots are good to keep on hand for those days you need a little something extra. My personal favorite is the Hershey’s. These little shots will give you the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. It’s great for on-the-go, or if you don’t have time to brew some coffee.
Your go-to Variety Pack. Keep your caffeine routine fun with this variety of sweet, bold and delicious coffee shots.
What’s Inside?
- 100mg Caffeine = 1 cup of coffee
- 2 Hershey’s Chocolate Latte, 2 Pure Black, 2 Vanilla Latte
Elle Jewelry, prices vary
Elle Jewelry has the most amazing pieces in their line. The earrings in the photo above are just one piece of many. The quality of the jewelry is impeccable, and any piece from the line would be the perfect gift for mom, grandma, aunt, etc. When I first got these, I found it interesting that there was a small square ruby on the back of each earring. Then I received an email telling me that each piece in the Elle Jewelry line has a small square ruby! It’s their signature on all of their pieces. How neat is that? The earrings I received are absolutely beautiful and as a mom, I would love to receive any piece from the jewelry line!
Sleek, expressive and definitely chic, the ELLE Jewelry Collection is lovingly crafted from only 925 Sterling Silver. Each piece understands modern elegance and delivers luxury without being pretentious. The collection reigns in sensuality, simplicity and subtlety.
Each ELLE Jewelry Collection piece is finished with a layer of palladium and a layer of rhodium. This double combination promotes shine and durability, with hypoallergenic materials that resist tarnishing.
» PALLADIUM is a soft silver-white metal that resembles platinum.
» RHODIUM is a precious white metal, is used to give the jewelry a white colour
ELLE Jewelry features a signature created ruby trademark, which poignantly symbolizes a woman’s inner strength and beauty. The ruby is set in a square motif and its location changes with every piece, adding a personal touch with a beautiful and unique meaning for the woman who wears it.
I love finding a good pair of sunglasses! Elle has the perfect line of eyewear for this. Their line of eyewear gives you a vast selection to choose from. The sunglasses I received were extremely good quality, which extends to the entire line. They are a gorgeous style, and would look great on your mom for Mother’s Day!
The sunglasses from ELLE Eyewear give a woman a chance to express herself. They are fashionable without being overstated. With each pair of these sunglasses a woman can make a personal statement: flirtatious or mysterious or glamorous or playful. The ELLE Eyewear sunglasses are made of the finest lightweight yet durable plastics and strong metals – in their natural state or painted.
This is most definitely a must read book! I started reading it, and couldn’t put it down. The story is about a family who lost their oldest child in a horrible accident. Once Jane, the mother, is able to see her way out of her grieving, she finds that everything has changed. Her family seems to be keeping secrets about Mary’s death. It’s a thrilling story, to say the least. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and will definitely be reading more from Kaira Rouda!
"Time spent with cats is never wasted." ~ Sigmund Freud