My Dream Business
by Majenica Moles

We’ve all thought about what business we would start. We plan, in our heads, exactly what we would name it, what it would offer, etc. These business plans are so detailed, yet, few people actually follow through with creating this business. This could be due to many reasons, including financial. That’s the problem with my dream business. That’s why it will always remain a dream, but maybe one day I can make it happen.

For me, owning my own pizza place would be my ultimate dream business. I adore pizza, and could eat it every day of my life. I would absolutely love to own my own pizza place, and be able to share my love of pizza with others. The pure joy of creating new flavors that others might like, and interacting with customers would be great.

A lot goes into owning your own business. Not only financially, but planning, bookkeeping, etc. The most important thing to start is knowing the location. You need the perfect location to maximize profits. If you are too remote, you won’t get as much business. If you are inside of town, and offer a delivery service, you are likely to get more orders. The second most important thing is having desirable product. If I were to open a pizza place, but my product wasn’t tasty, or priced right, then customers are not going to frequent there.


You need to shop around to get a good, reliable supplier before your business opens. If your business is food related, then you need to test out product from the supplier beforehand, to ensure that it meets the standards you desire. If you don’t test beforehand, you could very well end up with low quality product that customers don’t like. This will definitely cause business to decline, and possibly result in bad reviews.


One way to ensure you are doing things to maximize your business, would be to hire a consultant. You might be asking, “What is consulting?” Well, it’s an expert that does just that, consults. They will look at  your business, and give you advice. Of course, you want a consultant that has some serious experience in your business field. For instance, if I were to open a pizza place, I would want a consultant with experience in the restaurant business. They will advise you on different things in your business, to help make it more successful. You don’t have to utilize everything they tell you, but it would do you good to at least consider it. They know what they are doing, and for some businesses, it could mean the difference between being successful and closing their doors.

What is your dream business?

If you could open any business right now, what would it be? What is the one thing that you have always dreamed of opening, that would make you the happiest person on Earth? As I said, for me, that would be a pizza place. What would you name your business? I honestly haven’t been able to find the perfect name for mine. Years ago, in my hometown, there was a pizza place called The Corner Cobweb. I’ve always loved that name. It was tucked into the corner of a larger building, making the name absolutely perfect!  Whatever your dream business is, I hope that you achieve it someday!


"Time spent with cats is never wasted." ~ Sigmund Freud